
iPhone 3GiPod Touch 2G MB Jailbreak Tutorial (Working 2025)

My updated, fully working tutorial on how to jailbreak the iPhone 3G and the iPod Touch 2nd Generation in 2021.

Jailbreak an iPhone 3G running iOS 4.2.1 in 2021

Jailbreak · First get the device into recovery mode. Start with the device connected to the computer and turned off. · Now that the device is in ...

How do I jailbreak an iPhone 3G running on 4.2.1? [request]

I need to know how do jailbreak an iPhone 3G 4.2.1 on windows 11 or any websites that will jailbreak it from safari.

How to Jailbreak and Unlock an Iphone 3G Running IOS 4.0

This instructable will be a step by step guide to Jailbreaking and Unlocking your iphone 3G running on the 4.0 software baseline 05.13.04.


An unofficial wiki dedicated to collecting, storing, and providing information on Apple's devices and software.

iOS 3.1.3 Jailbreak Tutorial (NO COMPUTER) (Working 2025)

Forget Windows 7, you don't actually need any computer at all to jailbreak iOS 3.1.3! Please report any issues in the comments.

iPhone 3G jailbreaking : rLegacyJailbreak

Simply run a win 7 vm with iTunes 10 and activate it there it works. If it has a simlock you do need to jailbreak/hacktivate to activate it.

iOS Jailbreak Tutorial (Working in 2024)

Comments342 · How to Jailbreak iPhone 3G/iPod Touch 2G MB Model (2024 Tutorial) · Jailbreaking an iPhone 4s in 2023 · How to downgrade the iPhone 4 ...

How to jailbreak your iPhone 3G

Before you begin, back up all the data you have on your device via iTunes or any other software you might be using. Next, check the firmware ...

How to Jailbreak iPhone 3GiPod Touch 2G MB Model (2024 Tutorial)

Links will be provided in the comments below.


Myupdated,fullyworkingtutorialonhowtojailbreaktheiPhone3GandtheiPodTouch2ndGenerationin2021.,Jailbreak·Firstgetthedeviceintorecoverymode.Startwiththedeviceconnectedtothecomputerandturnedoff.·Nowthatthedeviceisin ...,IneedtoknowhowdojailbreakaniPhone3G4.2.1onwindows11oranywebsitesthatwilljailbreakitfromsafari.,ThisinstructablewillbeastepbystepguidetoJailbreakingandUnlockingyouriphone3Grunningon...

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學
